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International development aid and young people's participation in societal development of the global south
International development aid has in recent years sought to strengthen youths’ societal participation by cooperation between international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and local youth associations. In this paper, we address and conceptualise some of the underlying causes that may enable and/or limit such efforts to support youth participation in the global south. We seek to contribute to the growing literature exploring the multiple scales of young people's political agency. A core argument proposed is that notions of generational relationality, as seen in the case of international development aid targeting youth, must include conceptions of power as a topological relation across …
Negotiating the symbolic power of information and communication technologies (ICT): The spread of Internet-supported distance education
Submitted version of an article in the journal: Information Technology for Development The deposited fulltext is a preprint of the definitive article at Wiley Interscience http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/itdj.20110 The Internet may be, as typically suggested, important in distance education for facilitating connections between groups of students, educational institutions, and external learning resources. This article, however, reveals why this is not the only reason for applying information and communication technologies (ICT) in higher education in a remote area in a developing country. In addition, the Internet seems to be of great importance in symbolizing modernization and progress, thereby a…
Online environmental activism and Internet use in the Indonesian environmental movement
Author's version of an article in the journal: Information Development. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0266666913485260 This article investigates the use of the Internet among Indonesian environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) and how this use influences the mobilizing structure of the environmental movement. The discussion is informed by an explorative study of nineteen Indonesian ENGOs working in the domain of forest protection. The study reveals that the Internet empowers the environmental activism of these organizations by enhancing opportunities for political participation. A main finding in the article is that well-established organization…
E-læring, dialog og kommunikasjon - Et følgeforskningsprosjekt i tilknytning til Regionalt samarbeidsprosjekt om lederopplæring
Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra følgeforskning i tilknytning til Regionalt samarbeidsprosjekt om lederopplæring. Prosjektet har siktet mot å realisere avtalen om et inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA) ved å skolere mellomlederes kommunikative egenskaper. Lederopplæringen har hatt deltakere fra kommunene Birkenes, Vennesla, Mandal, Søgne, Lillesand, Songdalen og Kristiansand, samt Vest-Agder fylkeskommune. Programmet som bestått av tre samlinger med støtte fra e- læringsverktøy og en kursbok. Undersøkelsen viser at de aller fleste deltakerne er svært fornøyde med programmet. De er særlig fornøyde med samlingene. E-læringsverktøyet og kursboka er beskrevet som et viktig og positivt supple…
The implications of the local context in global virtual education
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><input id="jsProxy" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setTimeout('jsCall()',500);}" type="hidden" /><p>This paper investigates how features in students’ everyday life influence their participation in online global collaboration, and it suggests that students’ local context should be recognised as a significant part of their educational space. In this exploratory case study of students engaged in a global online master’s programme, the discussion is organised under three main headings: the social, material, and cultural dimensions of students’ daily life. The paper shows how the influence of the students’ local contex…
Digitale medier, samfunnsfag og samfunnsengasjement
Denne publiseringen viser hvordan elever bruker digitale teknologier og medier for å hente inntrykk, informasjon og kunnskap om ulike samfunnsforhold. Videre diskuteres hvordan elevenes bruk av ny teknologi påvirker deres engasjement og deltagelse i samfunnet. Diskusjonen bygger på en empirisk studie av samfunnsfagselever i den videregående skolen i Vest-Agder. Datamaterialet består av både observasjoner, intervjuer og serveymateriale. Det argumenteres for at selv om elevene har nødvendig teknisk kompetanse for å handtere informasjonssøk på internett, mangler de i stor grad den faglige og analytiske kompetansen. Dette fører til at de opererer innenfor et begrenset spekter av kilder. Det bli…
Fleksibel utdanning i et nord-sør perspektiv– om mastergradsstudiet Development Management
Publisert versjon av artikkel fra tidsskriftet Uniped I denne artikkelen rettes søkelyset mot norske og afrikanske studenters erfaringer fra et masterstudium i Development Management. Dette er et fl eksibelt studieprogram som i hovedsak er basert på nettstøttet undervisning og samarbeid mellom studentene på nettet. Empirisk er artikkelen basert på intervjudata og en spørreskjemaundersøkelse. Med utgangspunkt i en sammenligning av studiehverdagen for de norske og de afrikanske studentene, diskuterer vi hvordan studiesituasjonen knyttet til ett og samme studium varierer med hverdagslivets sosiale, materielle og kulturelle rammer og hvilke utfordringer det medfører for både studenter og utdann…
Blended learning: communication, locations and work-life practices
The article discusses blended learning and how various delivery formats affect the way learning is situated in work-life practices. The authors approached this issue through an empirical study of an in-service training programme for middle-level managers in a number of case organisations. The programme used a combination of e-learning, textbooks and face-to-face seminars. The conclusion reached is that a purposeful blend of delivery modes and technology systems can situate learning outside the daily work location and at the same time facilitate the creation of communities of practice embedded in daily work experience. It is further argued that inflexibility can be a necessary for creation o…
Between striated and smooth space: Exploring the topology of transnational student mobility
In this paper, we raise a question regarding how transnational students develop their spaces as mobile, temporary, and at times stable and territorially fixed. We argue that approaching transnational student migration and its relations to place as a Deleuzian assemblage is a fruitful way of highlighting this issue, and we propose the axes of the expressive/material and territorialisation/de-territorialisation as analytical tools for understanding aspects of the temporal and spatial dimensions of transnational student mobility. Our theoretical discussion is informed by the migration experiences of transnational students studying at a Norwegian university. Our core argument is that transnatio…