Boris Ecker
Demonstration of an efficient pumping scheme for a 7.36-nm Ni-like samarium soft x-ray laser
The demonstration of a 7.36 nm Ni-like Sm soft x-ray laser pumped by 36 J of a Nd:glass chirped pulse amplification laser is presented. Double-pulse single-beam non-normal incidence pumping was applied for the efficient soft x-ray laser generation. Here the applied technique included a new single optic focusing geometry for large beam diameters, a single-pass grating compressor traveling-wave tuning capability and an optimized high energy laser double-pulse. This scheme has the potential for even shorter wavelength soft x-ray laser pumping.
Laser driven parametric amplification of xuv and soft-x-rays in neutral gases
We present the first theoretical description and also experimental evidence for the amplification of XUV and soft-X-ray radiation by parametric stimulated emission in neutral gases driven by near-IR laser pulses reaching small-signal-gain up to 8000.