Combined investigation of collective amplitude and phase modes in a quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave system over a wide spectral range
We investigate experimentally both the amplitude and phase channels of the collective modes in the quasi-1D charge-density-wave (CDW) system, K0.3MoO3, by combining (i) optical impulsive-Raman pump-probe and (ii) terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), with high resolution and a detailed analysis of the full complex-valued spectra in both cases. This allows an unequivocal assignment of the observed bands to CDW modes across the THz range up to 9 THz. We revise and extend a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model to account for the observed temperature dependence of the modes, where the combination of both amplitude and phase modes allows one to robustly determine the bare-phonon and elec…