Tomasz Sachańbiński
Comparison of mammography and tomosynthesis in the assesement of margins status in breast cancer patients treated with breast conserving surgery at Oncology Center in Opole in 2018-2020.
Inwazyjny rak piersi w ektopowej tkance gruczołowej zlokalizowanej w dole pachowym. Opis przypadku
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy in women in Poland. Rare, unusual forms of breast cancer remain a diagnostic problem. The incidence of ectopic breast glandular tissue in the general population varies between 0.4 and 6%. The same abnormalities and diseases as in the anatomical mammary gland may develop in this tissue. Breast cancer may develop as well. We present the case of a 36-year-old woman, who went to the doctor because of a nodule in the right armpit presented for 2 years. The patient was referred to a surgeon with suspicion of an epidermal cyst. The lesion was surgically removed and in the histopathological examination, the diagnose was: invasive breast cancer…