Sorin C. Negulescu
Paradigm shift in engineering education More time is needed
Abstract Information Technology (IT) becomes: innovation motor, engineering toolbox; basic part of curricula. The impact on engineering education is due to shifting from industrial towards post-industrial engineering. IT is the most suitable domain to bear the paradigmatic shifts able to lessen the paradox of temporal dissociation between the present process of teaching and its future mirroring in life-long learning. Hence, a modern approach to time and to its related concepts is focused upon. The essence of applying new paradigms in education is exemplified via the advanced subdomain of artificial intelligence. Conclusion: carrying out such educational innovations is urgent, painless and a…
Synthetic Genes for artificial ants. Diversity in ant colony optimization algorithms
Inspired from the fact that the real world ants from within a colony are not clones (although they may look alike, they are different from one another), in this paper, the authors are presenting an adapted ant colony optimisation (ACO) algorithm that incorporates methods and ideas from genetic algorithms (GA). Following the first (introductory) section of the paper is presented the history and the state of the art, beginning with the stigmergy and genetic concepts and ending with the latest ACO algorithm variants as multiagent systems (MAS). The rationale and the approach sections are aiming at presenting the problems with current stigmergy-based algorithms and at proposing a (possible - ye…