Duarte Araújo

The dynamics of expertise acquisition in sport: The role of affective learning design

Objectives: The aim of this position paper is to discuss the role of affect in designing learning experiences to enhance expertise acquisition in sport. The design of learning environments and athlete development programmes are predicated on the successful sampling and simulation of competitive performance conditions during practice. This premise is captured by the concept of representative learning design, founded on an ecological dynamics approach to developing skill in sport, and based on the individual-environment relationship. In this paper we discuss how the effective development of expertise in sport could be enhanced by the consideration of affective constraints in the representativ…

research product

Designing Affordances for Health-Enhancing Physical Activity and Exercise in Sedentary Individuals

Ideas in ecological dynamics have profound implications for designing environments that offer opportunities for physical activity (PA), exercise and play in sedentary individuals. They imply how exercise scientists, health professionals, planners, designers, engineers and psychologists can collaborate in co-designing environments and playscapes that facilitate PA and exercise behaviours in different population subgroups. Here, we discuss how concepts in ecological dynamics emphasise the person-environment scale of analysis, indicating how PA environments might be (re)designed into qualitative regions of functional significance (affordances) that invite health-enhancing behaviours according …

research product

Sports teams as complex adaptive systems: manipulating player numbers shapes behaviours during football small-sided games

Small-sided and conditioned games (SSCGs) in sport have been modelled as complex adaptive systems. Research has shown that the relative space per player (RSP) formulated in SSCGs can impact on emergent tactical behaviours. In this study we adopted a systems orientation to analyse how different RSP values, obtained through manipulations of player numbers, influenced four measures of interpersonal coordination observed during performance in SSCGs. For this purpose we calculated positional data (GPS 15 Hz) from ten U-15 football players performing in three SSCGs varying in player numbers (3v3, 4v4 and 5v5). Key measures of SSCG system behaviours included values of (1) players’ dispersion, (2) …

research product

Numerical relations and skill level constrain co-adaptive behaviors of agents in sports teams.

Similar to other complex systems in nature (e.g., a hunting pack, flocks of birds), sports teams have been modeled as social neurobiological systems in which interpersonal coordination tendencies of agents underpin team swarming behaviors. Swarming is seen as the result of agent co-adaptation to ecological constraints of performance environments by collectively perceiving specific possibilities for action (affordances for self and shared affordances). A major principle of invasion team sports assumed to promote effective performance is to outnumber the opposition (creation of numerical overloads) during different performance phases (attack and defense) in spatial regions adjacent to the bal…

research product

The micro-macro link in understanding sport tactical behaviours: Integrating information and action at different levels of system analysis in sport

The micro-macro link is a central issue of human movement sciences because it directly refers to coordination and scalability of movement behaviour at different levels of analysis in a complex system. This feature of complexity is a key feature to consider decisions and actions as transitional behaviours at different levels during performance. Transitions expressed through bifurcations are an important part of a universal decisionmaking process. Here we explain how individuals perform decision-making behaviours in a minimal social performance unit ( competing dyads), and how these two levels are linked in a sports team. Finally we discuss some applications of the micro-macro links for the d…

research product

The micro-macro link in understanding sport tactical behaviours: Integrating information and action at different levels of system analysis in sport

Les liens micro-macroscopiques sont centraux dans les sciences du mouvement humain dans la mesure ou ils correspondent aux coordinations et aux echelonnages des comportements moteurs a differents niveaux d’analyse des systemes complexes. Cet aspect de la complexite est un point cle permettant de considerer decision et action comme un comportement de transition a differents niveaux lors de la realisation d’une performance. Les transitions exprimees en termes de bifurcations sont une part importante du mecanisme universel de decision. Les transitions de phase fournissent aussi un moyen de comprendre les liens micro-macro. Dans cet article de synthese, nous developpons un point de vue qui expl…

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