D. Antypas

Fast apparent oscillations of fundamental constants

Precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules allows one to search for and to put stringent limits on the variation of fundamental constants. These experiments are typically interpreted in terms of variations of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ and the electron to proton mass ratio $\mu=m_e/m_p$. Atomic spectroscopy is usually less sensitive to other fundamental constants, unless the hyperfine structure of atomic levels is studied. However, the number of possible dimensionless constants increases when we allow for fast variations of the constants, where "fast" is determined by the time scale of the response of the studied species or experimental apparatus used. In this case, the relevan…

research product

Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium: Description of the measurement method and analysis of systematic effects

We present a detailed description of experimental studies of the parity violation effect in an isotopic chain of atomic ytterbium (Yb), whose results were reported in a recent paper [Antypas et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 120 (2019)]. We discuss the principle of these measurements, made on the Yb $6{s}^{2} {}^{1}{S}_{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}5d6s ^{3}D_{1}$ optical transition at 408 nm, describe the experimental apparatus, and give a detailed account of our studies of systematic effects in the experiment. Our results offer a direct observation of the isotopic variation in the atomic parity violation effect, a variation which is in agreement with the prediction of the standard model. These measurem…

research product

Search for Dark-Matter-Induced Oscillations of Fundamental Constants Using Molecular Spectroscopy

Physical review letters 129(3), 031302 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.031302

research product

Dependence of atomic parity-violation effects on neutron skins and new physics

We estimate the relative contribution of nuclear structure and new physics couplings to the parity non-conserving spin-independent effects in atomic systems, for both single isotopes and isotopic ratios. General expressions are presented to assess the sensitivity of isotopic ratios to neutron skins and to couplings beyond standard model at tree level. The specific coefficients for these contributions are calculated assuming Fermi distribution for proton and neutron nuclear densities for isotopes of Cs, Ba, Sm, Dy, Yb, Pb, Fr, and Ra. The present work aims to provide a guide to the choice of the best isotopes and pairs of isotopes for conducting atomic PNC measurements.

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Polychromatic, continuous-wave mirrorless lasing from monochromatic pumping of cesium vapor

We report on studies of simultaneous continuous-wave mirrorless lasing on multiple optical transitions, realized by pumping hot cesium vapor with laser light resonant with the 6$S_{1/2}\rightarrow 8$P$_{3/2}$ transition. The multiplicity of decay paths for the excited atoms to their ground state is responsible for the emergence of lasing in a number of transitions, observed here in at least seven wavelengths in the infrared (IR), and at two wavelengths in the blue. We study the properties of the fields generated in the cesium vapor, such as optical power, directionality and optical linewidth.

research product

Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium: method of measurements and analysis of systematic effects

We present a detailed description of experimental studies of the parity violation effect in an isotopic chain of atomic ytterbium (Yb), whose results were reported in a recent Letter [Antypas et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 120 (2019)]. We discuss the principle of these measurements, made on the Yb 6s$^2$ $^1$S$_0 \rightarrow $5d6s $^3$D$_1$ optical transition at 408 nm, describe the experimental apparatus, and give a detailed account of our studies of systematic effects in the experiment. Our results offer the first direct observation of the isotopic variation in the atomic parity violation effect, a variation which is in agreement with the prediction of the Standard Model. These measurements are u…

research product

Lineshape-asymmetry elimination in weak atomic transitions driven by an intense standing wave field

Owing to the ac-Stark effect, the lineshape of a weak optical transition in an atomic beam can become significantly distorted, when driven by an intense standing wave field. We use an Yb atomic beam to study the lineshape of the 6s2 1S0 -> 5d6s 3D1 transition, which is excited with light circulating in a Fabry-Perot resonator. We demonstrate two methods to avoid the distortion of the transition profile. Of these, one relies on the operation of the resonator in multiple longitudinal modes, and the other in multiple transverse modes.

research product

Probing fast oscillating scalar dark matter with atoms and molecules

Light scalar Dark Matter with scalar couplings to matter is expected within several scenarios to induce variations in the fundamental constants of nature. Such variations can be searched for, among other ways, via atomic spectroscopy. Sensitive atomic observables arise primarily due to possible changes in the fine-structure constant or the electron mass. Most of the searches to date have focused on slow variations of the constants (i.e. modulation frequencies $<$ 1 Hz). In a recent experiment \mbox{[Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141102 (2019)]} called WReSL (Weekend Relaxion-Search Laboratory), we reported on a direct search for rapid variations in the radio-frequency band. Such a search is particu…

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On the Possibility of Miniature Diamond-Based Magnetometers Using Waveguide Geometries

Micromachines 9(6), 276 (2018). doi:10.3390/mi9060276

research product

Scalar Dark Matter in the Radio-Frequency Band: Atomic-Spectroscopy Search Results

Among the prominent candidates for dark matter are bosonic fields with small scalar couplings to the Standard-Model particles. Several techniques are employed to search for such couplings and the current best constraints are derived from tests of gravity or atomic probes. In experiments employing atoms, observables would arise from expected dark-matter-induced oscillations in the fundamental constants of nature. These studies are primarily sensitive to underlying particle masses below $10^{-14}$ eV. We present a method to search for fast oscillations of fundamental constants using atomic spectroscopy in cesium vapor. We demonstrate sensitivity to scalar interactions of dark matter associate…

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