Proximal vertebral artery surgery. Results of treatment of ischemia of the rhombencephalon (hindbrain). Simultaneous carotid and vertebral artery decompression procedures.
Surgical treatment of hindbrain ischemia is becoming the accepted surgical procedure in cases of stenosis of extracranial segments of vertebral arteries in the course of advanced atherosclerotic lesions in their initial segments (V1) or caused by external compression of these arteries in the canal formed by the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae. The latter is referred to as vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI). The transposition of the left vertebral artery to the common carotid artery in cases where stent graft implantation is necessary with coverage of the subclavian artery and possible blood supply disorders of both the hindbrain and the spinal cord has become important. In the D…