Anita Fink
Estimation of vegetation loss coefficients and canopy penetration depths from SMAP radiometer and IceSAT lidar data
In this study the framework of the τ — ω model is used to derive vegetation loss coefficients and canopy penetration depths from SMAP multi-temporal retrievals of vegetation optical depth, single scattering albedo and ICESat lidar vegetation heights. The vegetation loss coefficients serve as a global indicator of how strong absorption and scattering processes attenuate L-band microwave radiation. By inverting the vegetation loss coefficients, penetration depths into the canopy can be obtained, which are displayed for the global forest reservoirs. A simple penetration index is formed combining vegetation heights and penetration depth estimates. The distribution and level of this index reveal…
Estimating Gravimetric Moisture of Vegetation Using an Attenuation-Based Multi-Sensor Approach
Estimating parameters for global climate models via combined active and passive microwave remote sensing data has been a subject of intensive research in recent years. A variety of retrieval algorithms has been proposed for the estimation of soil moisture, vegetation optical depth and other parameters. A novel attenuation-based retrieval approach is proposed here to globally estimate the gravimetric moisture of vegetation (m g ) and retrieve information about the amount of water [kg] per amount of wet vegetation [kg]. The parameter m g is particularly interesting for agro-ecosystems, to assess the status of growing vegetation. The key feature of the proposed approach is that it relies on mu…