L Sideli
Objective: This study aimed at describing the coping strategies used by patients of small burns (<= 20% body surface area) at the early stage of rehabilitation process and to analyze the effect of coping strategies and body image dissatisfaction on psychiatric symptoms and quality of life.Method: Sixty-nine patients firstly admitted to an out-patient burn unit were involved in the study. Coping response to burn trauma was investigated using the Brief-COPE, while the Short-Form 36 Health Survey, the Self-report Clinical Inventory, and the Body Uneasiness Test were used respectively to assess post-burn quality of life, psychiatric symptoms, and body image dissatisfaction.Results: Avoidant …
First-Episode Psychosis Patients Who Deteriorated in the Premorbid Period Do Not Have Higher Polygenic Risk Scores Than Others: A Cluster Analysis of EU-GEI Data
Abstract Cluster studies identified a subgroup of patients with psychosis whose premorbid adjustment deteriorates before the onset, which may reflect variation in genetic influence. However, other studies reported a complex relationship between distinctive patterns of cannabis use and cognitive and premorbid impairment that is worthy of consideration. We examined whether: (1) premorbid social functioning (PSF) and premorbid academic functioning (PAF) in childhood and adolescence and current intellectual quotient (IQ) define different clusters in 802 first-episode of psychosis (FEP) patients; resulting clusters vary in (2) polygenic risk scores (PRSs) for schizophrenia (SCZ_PRS), bipolar dis…
Cannabis e Psicosi, un contributo di ricerca
si descrivono i dati relativi ad un campioni di pazienti affetti da disturbo psicotico all'esordio, come parte del progetto SGAP (Sicilian Genetic and Psychosis. tra i fattori di rischio implicati nell'insorgenza del disturbo si prende in esame il ruolo del consumo di cannabis mettendo a confronto i pazienti con un gruppo di cntrollo costituito da soggetti non psicotici. Emerge come l'età media di insorgenza del disturbo psicotico è stata più precoce per coloro che avevano fumato cannabis nel corso della vita (24.2 anni vs. 31.6 anni) mentre non è stata riscontrata nessuna differenza in relazione all'uso recente di cannabis.