Charlotte Malbranche
Impact économique de la chimioembolisation avec microsphères chargées dans le traitement du carcinome hépatocellulaire
Resume La chimioembolisation est le traitement de premiere ligne pour les patients atteints d’un carcinome hepatocellulaire (CHC) non resecable, non metastatique. Les microspheres chargees d’anticancereux recemment commercialisees ont pour objectif d’augmenter l’efficacite de la chimioembolisation en permettant un relargage controle et prolonge de l’anticancereux au plus proche de la tumeur. Notre etude monocentrique compare selon deux methodes de valorisation, les couts medicaux hospitaliers directs d’une premiere cure de chimioembolisation conventionnelle et d’une premiere cure de chimioembolisation avec microspheres chez 30 patients atteints de CHC. Le cout moyen valorise par la comptabi…
Generic vancomycin products: Analysis of serum concentrations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Summary Concerns have recently emerged about the quality of generic vancomycin products. Our aim is to analyze serum vancomycin concentrations measured 48 hours after the start of an empirical treatment regimen in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who received one of the two generic vancomycin products available in France. Patients and methods Seventy-nine AML patients treated with vancomycin during two study periods were included in the study. Our vancomycin dosing regimen was based on the patients’ total body weight adjusted for renal clearance. Results A total of 93 serum vancomycin concentrations were collected: 31 in period 1 and 62 in period 2. In bivariate analysis, the mean…