M. Ellger
Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Cases of Brain Tumor
The present series consists of 21 patients with brain tumors: 12 malignant gliomas, 4 oligo- dendro gliomas, 3 meningeomas and 2 metastases, studied by the133Xe-gamma-clearance rCBF method. In 16 patients at least 3 determinations of rCBF were performed: a) in the resting state, R; b) during hyperventilation, HV, and c) during hypertension, HT. Of the remaining 5 patients, 1 was studied only during R, while the other 4 were submitted either to HV or to HT additionally to the R study. The average age of this series of patients was 47 years, the youngest being 19 and the oldest 64. rCBF studies had to be performed under general anesthesia (N2O + O2, Engstrom respirator) in 5 instances in whic…
Correlation between rCBF, Angiography, EEG and Scanning in Brain Tumors
The findings with techniques of different sensitivity, and which investigate different aspects of brain structure and/or function are difficult to correlate. However, such a comparison should help in elucidating the physiopathological mechanisms of brain lesions and the postoperative clinical evolution and prognosis in cases of brain tumors.