Raman Imaging of Single Carbon Nanotubes
[19] The single crystals of the Bu4NBr0.6I1.4Cl salt, were obtained by addition of IBr to a solution of Bu4NCl in ethanol at a reagent ratio of 1:0.5. Stoichiometry of the anion has been found by EDX. Based on a Raman study the anion consists of the I2Br ‐ (band at 140 cm ‐1 ), IBr2 ‐ (band at 150‐ 176 cm ‐1 ), BrICl ‐ (band at 225 cm ‐1 ), and ICl2 ‐ (band at 250‐263 cm ‐1 ) trihalide anions. [20] The X-ray diffraction data from single crystals for both trihalide salts were measured using an Enraf Nonius CAD4 diffractometer with graphite monochromatic Mo Ka radiation (k = 0.71073 a) at room temperature. Unit cell parameters of the new a¢¢¢- crystal were determined from a leastsquares analy…