alpha GalNAc is essential for recognition of Exo-1 epithelial antigen by mouse monoclonal antibody Pa-G-14.
Mouse monoclonal antibody Pa-G-14 detects Exo-1, an antigen whose expression is regulated in the processes of epithelial-cell differentiation and transformation. The epitope recognized by Pa-G-14 is present both in glycosphingolipids and in mucin glycoproteins. To characterize the specificity of Pa-G-14, immuno-thin-layer chromatography, biochemical, and enzymatic treatment of glycosphingolipid extracts from human pancreas were used. The antibody bound to all blood-group-A substances; alpha GalNAc, but not fucose, was essential for reactivity. In ELISA, Pa-G-14 also reacted with ovine and bovine submaxillary mucins but not with porcine submaxillary mucin. Binding to ovine submaxillary mucin…