Inferences of dietary preferences of Miocene squirrels (Xerinae, Sciuridae) from the Iberian Peninsula and Namibia using microwear analyses and enamel thickness
In this work, we compared microwear features and enamel thickness from upper molars (M1 and M2) of extinct Xerinae squirrels from the Miocene of Namibia (Vulcanisciurus sp) and the Iberian Peninsula (Atlantoxerus nov. sp. and Heteroxerus rubricati). We also examined the microwear from young and adult specimens of one extant squirrel, Atlantoxerus getulus, to compare it with the extinct species. Both, the microwear features and enamel thickness showed that the Miocene African species presented a more abrasive diet than the Iberian ones.
20 years at campus: heritage assessment update for Somosaguas fossil geosite (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid)
The palaeontological heritage evaluation of the Somosaguas fossil geosite has been revised on the basis of scientifi c and sociocultural criteria. By means of this study have been proposed four new criteria that arise from new scientifi c and social trends as well as technological advances. A temporal comparison has been established with previous evaluations obtained in the years 2000 and 2012. The results indicated an increase in the initial score of the geosite in each revision. Our study shows the relevance of palaeontological heritage evaluations as useful tools to improve fossil geosites management.