Hand-assisted laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy versus open surgery: evaluation of surgical trauma and late graft function in 82 patients
Abstract Objective We evaluated and quantified surgical trauma and late graft function in cases of hand-assisted laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy (HALLDN) versus open living-donor nephrectom (OLDN). Methods This study is a retrospective nonrandomized single-center analysis. Between 1995 and January 2008, 82 patients with end-stage renal disease received kidney transplantations from living donors. Open living-donor nephrectomy was performed in 37 donors, and 45 underwent laparoscopic hand-assisted nephrectomy. Demographic data and perioperative and postoperative data, such as markers of acute phase (C-reactive protein; serum amyloid A) and biochemical markers of glomerular filtration (s…