Ya. Zhydachevskii
Displacement Defect Formation in Complex Oxide Crystals under Irradiation
The work is devoted to an analysis of formation processes of the radiation displacement defects (RDDs) and colour centres (CCs) in complex oxide crystals under irradiation. The calculation results on: the displacement process simulation as well as an analysis of the RDD and CC accumulation kinetics are presented. New experimental results on additional absorption spectra induced by neutron irradiation of LiNbO(3) (LNO) crystals doped with Fe and Cr and YAlO(3) (YAP) crystals doped with Nd and Er as well are presented. Dose dependencies of the additional absorption are compared and their peculiarities are discussed. The obtained results confirm that CCs causing the irradiation induced absorpt…
Transient and stable color centers in pure and Cu-doped LiNbO3
The present work is devoted to investigation of stable and transient color centers that are induced by radiation and temperature in pure and Cu-doped LiNbO 3 single crystals. The transient changes of absorption of the crystals induced by pulsed electron beam (E=0.25 MeV) are studied in 0-5000 ns time range, as well as stable changes of absorption induced by reducing annealing and irradiation with γ-quanta, high energy electrons or fast reactor neutrons.