Jani-petteri Ollikainen

Alkoholijuomien kysynnän joustot Suomessa vuosina 2001-2015

Tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa estimoidaan alkoholin kysynnän hinta- ja menojoustot Suomessa vuosina 2001-2015. Alkoholin kysyntää tarkastellaan jaoteltuna sekä vähittäismyyntiin ja anniskeluun että eri juomaryhmiin. Kysynnän hinta- ja menojoustot estimoidaan Deatonin & Muellbauerin (1980a) Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) –mallin avulla. Tutkimuksessa huomioidaan mallin muuttujien epästationaarisuus testaamalla sekä epästationaarisuutta että yhteisintegraatiota. Testien perusteella kaikki tutkimuksen mallit voidaan todeta yhteisintegroituneiksi, jolloin alkoholin kysyntää kuvataan pitkän aikavälin tasapainoyhtälöllä ja lyhyen aikavälin virheenkorjausmallilla. Tutkimuksessa saadaan esimerki…

research product

Comprehensive school reform and labor market outcomes over the lifecycle: Evidence from Finland

This study focused on the labor market effects of the Finnish comprehensive school reform in 1972–1977 over the lifecycle. The reform increased the age at which students are separated into vocational and general tracks from 11 to 16 as well as updated the curriculum to include more general content instead of vocational. Using longitudinal administrative register data and exploiting the gradual implementation of the reform, I found a negative effect on employment in early career and a positive effect later in the lifecycle. Results for labor earnings are more nuanced and sensitive to different model specifications, but a positive effect was found in the late career. After the reform, the tre…

research product

A tale of two trade-offs: Effects of opening pathways from vocational to higher education

Abstract This paper studies the effects of a vocational secondary school reform implemented in Finland between 1999 and 2001. The reform extended vocational two-year programs to three years and made all graduates eligible to apply for university. For identification, we exploit the gradual implementation of the reform, and use a differences-in-differences approach and administrative register data up to 13 years after the reform. We find no long-term effect on enrollment in further education or labor market outcomes. However, our results illustrate that the reform increased the dropout probability. Thus, the benefits of opening pathways from vocational to higher education may be outweighed by…

research product

Tutkimuksia ammatillisesta koulutuksesta ja inhimillisestä pääomasta yli elinkaaren

research product