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Mikä vernakulaari?
Tämän teemanumeron aihe on vernakulaarin käsite. Numeron neljässä artikkelissa vernakulaaria lähestytään käsitehistoriallisesta ja tapaustutkimusten näkökulmasta. Artikkeleissa tarkastellaan ensinnäkin sitä, minkälaisia merkityksiä vernakulaarin käsitteellä on ollut eri aikoina. Toiseksi niissä eritellään, minkälainen asema vernakulaarin käsitteellä sekä sille annetuilla merkityksillä on ollut eri tieteenaloilla ja niiden tutkimuskohteiden määrittelyssä. Kolmanneksi teemanumeron artikkeleissa analysoidaan useita tapaustutkimuksia vernakulaarin käsitteen ja sen tarjoamien näkökulmien kautta samalla käsitettä pohtien. Teemanumeron tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisesti esiin, miten vernakulaarin…
Evaluation and measurement in enterprise and software architecture management
Arvioinnit ja mittaaminen ovat osa jokapäiväistä elämäämme ja toimintaamme. Niiden perusteella tehtyjen tietojen ja havaintojen pohjalta teemme päätöksiä ja valintoja. Valitsemme esimerkiksi mitä vaatteita laitamme päälle, kuinka paljon tankkaamme autoon bensaa ja minkä taulutelevision hankimme.Yritykset keräävät mittareilla ja arvioinneilla tietoa omasta toiminnastaan, kuten kertyneistä työtunneista ja kustannuksista. Tiedon avulla seurataan toimintaa, ja sen avulla tehdään päätöksiä ja valintoja esimerkiksi siitä, kuinka paljon työvoimaa resursoidaan, mihin investoidaan ja mihin kehittäminen kohdistetaan.Rakennuksia suunnitellaan arkkitehtuurisuunnittelun avulla. Yhtälailla yritysten toim…
The Role of Architecture Evaluations in ICT-companies
First published in the Proceedings of the 11th International HAAMAHA Conference, July 9-12, 2007, Poznan, Poland Architecture evaluation is a way to get answers to organisation’s information needs and problems relating to its business and ICT. Companies’ needs to move towards business value driven ICT-development and pressures to improve the costeffectiveness of ICT are some of the reasons for the increasing interest in the evaluations and measurements of architectures. However, the role and the meaning which architecture evaluation may have in companies is not clearly identified or defined. For example, needs and triggers for architectural evaluations do not seem to be identified in previo…
Quality and Quality Management in Architecture Work
Success and Failure Factors for Software Architecture
First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany This paper provides a view of the software architecture development and management process. It reviews the literature and practitioners’ experiences relating to the factors that cause success and failure for software architecture and classifies these factors into subgroups. This study demonstrates that the success of software architecture depends on multiple factors. Project management, organisational culture and communication, the skills of architects and architectural know-how, architecture methods and practices, the quality of system requirements …
Quality Evaluation of Architectural Documentation and Models : [AISA Project report]
AISA Project report. Originally published 19.12.2007
Quality Management Activities in Software Architecture Process : [AISA Project report]
AISA Project report. Originally published 3.5.2006
Evaluating Architecture Work
The Role of Architecture Evaluations in ICT-companies : [AISA Project report]
AISA Project report. Originally published 1.11.2006
Decision-Making and Risk Management in Architecture Work
Success and Failure Factors for Software Architecture : [AISA Project report]
AISA Project report. Originally published 11.1.2006
Quality Management Activities for Software Architecture and Software Architecture Process
First published in the Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2007), February 13-15, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria Architecture processes are considerably new parts of organisations’ processes. These processes have the responsibility to aim at high quality and financially successful architectures. However, the activities which promote this aim are not clearly defined yet. This study reviews literature and practitioners’ experiences on quality management activities that could be suggested to promote the achievement of high quality software architectures and a good quality software architecture process. These activities are proposed to be taken into account …
Long-Term and Short-Term Architecture Decisions : AISA - Quality Management of Enterprise and Software Architectures
Architecture Planning and Decision Making in Companies
AISA Project report (slides). Originally published 6.3.2008