Zvaigžņotā Debess: 2001, Pavasaris (171)
Contents: J.Ikaunieks and G.Petrov. Plan of the Radio interferometer of the Astrophysical Laboratory of the LAS ; Z.Alksne and L.Reiziņš. Astronomical Calculations by Electronic Computer ; Z.Alksne, A.Alksnis. The First Decade of the Hubble Space Telescope ; Z.Alksne. Both a Planet and a Dust Disk Orbit Iota (ι) Horologii ; Z.Alksne. The Story of Sakurai’s Star is Continuing ; J.Jaunbergs. Space News on the Web ; I.Vilks. Spaceflight. Period of Great Success (1961-1973) ; I.Abakumov. From History of the Photographic Observations of Earth Artificial Satellites ; M.Kūle. Attitude to Person: Modern Variations ; K.Bērziņš. On Friendly Terms with Cosmology: Basic Principles and Models of the Uni…