L. Scavone
Influenza dei chips di quercia, di diversa origine e livello di tostatura, nella vinificazione in bianco
Influenza di parametri fermentativi sulla composizione di vini Catarratto
Vinificazione in bianco: markers di processo e profilo aromatico dei vini
Vinificazione in bianco in presenza di chips di quercia di origine e livello di tostatura
Vinificazione in bianco in presenza di chips di quercia di origine e livello di tostatura diversi
Some musts from Grillo grapes, a cultivar autochthonous of western Sicily, fermented with medium toasted American oak chips or with non toasted French oak chips (Classic Line – HTS enology) have been vinified. the wines were significantly different as regards the contents in volatile and non volatile compounds extracted from American and French oak chips. a slight increase in alcoholic fermentation rate and in some cases a higher content of ethyl esters and medium chain fatty acids, were observed in musts charged with chips, independently of their origin. In wines obtained from musts charged with french medium toasted oak chips, the content in furans was higher (5-methylfurfural, trans-meth…