Claudio Gomez-perretta

Low intensity magnetic field influences short-term memory: A study in a group of healthy students

This study analyzes if an external magnetic stimulus (2 kHz and approximately 0.1 μT applied near frontal cortex) influences working memory, perception, binary decision, motor execution, and sustained attention in humans. A magnetic stimulus and a sham stimulus were applied to both sides of the head (frontal cortex close to temporal-parietal area) in young and healthy male test subjects (n = 65) while performing Sternberg's memory scanning task. There was a significant change in reaction time. Times recorded for perception, sustained attention, and motor execution were lower in exposed subjects (P < 0.01). However, time employed in binary decision increased for subjects exposed to magnetic …

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Subjective symptoms related to GSM radiation from mobile phone base stations : a cross-sectional study

Objectives: We performed a reanalysis of the data from Navarro et al., 2003, in which health symptoms related to microwave exposure from mobile phone base stations (BS) were explored, including data obtained in a retrospective inquiry about fear of exposure from BS. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: La Ñora (Murcia), Spain. Participants: Participants with known illness in 2003 were subsequently disregarded: 88 participants instead of 101 (in 2003) were analysed. Since weather circumstances can influence exposure, we restricted data to measurements made under similar weather conditions. Outcomes and methods: A statistical method indifferent to the assumption of normality was employed: …

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