Probing Compositeness with the CMS eejj & eej Data
Quark-lepton compositeness is a well-known beyond the Standard Model (SM) scenario with heavy exotic particles like leptoquarks (LQs) and leptogluons (LGs) etc. These particles can couple to leptons and jets simultaneously. In this letter, we use the recent CMS scalar LQ search data in the $eejj$ and $eej$ channels to probe this scenario. We recast the data in terms of a color octet partner of the SM electron (or a first generation spin-1/2 LG) that couples to an electron and a gluon via a dimension five operator suppressed by the quark-lepton compositeness scale ($\Lambda$). By combining different production processes of the color octet electron ($e_8$) at the LHC, we use the CMS 8TeV data…