Glycerophosphocholine is elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer patients.
Experimental and clinical studies give evidence for breakdown of membrane phospholipids during neurodegeneration. In the present study, we measured the levels of glycerophosphocholine (GPCh), phosphocholine (PCh), and choline, that is, water-soluble metabolites of phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho), in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Among 30 cognitively normal patients the average CSF levels of GPCh, phosphocholine and choline were 3.64, 1.28, and 1.93 microM, respectively; metabolite levels did not change with increasing age. When compared with age-matched controls, patients with Alzheimer's disease had elevated levels of all choline metabolites: GPCh was significantly increased by 76% (P<0.01…
Einfluss von multimodaler sportlicher Aktivität auf Kognition und Alltagskompetenzen bei früher Alzheimer-Demenz (SPORT&KOG)
Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt ein vom Bundesministerium für Gesundheit gefördertes Vorhaben zum «Leuchtturmprojekt Demenz» im Themenfeld 1 «Therapie und Pflegemaßnahmen: Wirksamkeit unter Alltagsbedingungen». Hierbei handelt es sich um eine multizentrische randomisierte Interventionsstudie, die den Einfluss von Sport (multimodale sportliche Aktivität) unter kontrollierten Bedingungen auf die kognitive Entwicklung von Alzheimer-Patienten im frühen Stadium prüft. In einem zweiarmigen Design werden je 150 Patienten mit früher AD unter Verum- bzw. Kontroll-Bedingungen untersucht. Die Verum-Gruppe erhält ein spezifisches sportliches Trainingsprogramm. In der Kontrollgruppe werden lediglich…
Effects of a Feedback-Demanding Stroke Clock on Acute Stroke Management: A Randomized Study.
Background and Purpose: This randomized study aimed to evaluate whether the use of a stroke clock demanding active feedback from the stroke physician accelerates acute stroke management. Methods: For this randomized controlled study, a large-display alarm clock was installed in the computed tomography room, where admission, diagnostic work-up, and intravenous thrombolysis occurred. Alarms were set at the following target times after admission: (1) 15 minutes (neurological examination completed); (2) 25 minutes (computed tomography scanning and international normalized ratio determination by point-of-care laboratory completed); and (3) 30 minutes (intravenous thrombolysis started). The resp…