Jef Vlegels
Does reviewing experience reduce disagreement in proposals evaluation? Insights from Marie Skłodowska-Curie and COST Actions
Abstract We have limited understanding of why reviewers tend to strongly disagree when scoring the same research proposal. Thus far, research that explored disagreement has focused on the characteristics of the proposal or the applicants, while ignoring the characteristics of the reviewers themselves. This article aims to address this gap by exploring which reviewer characteristics most affect disagreement among reviewers. We present hypotheses regarding the effect of a reviewer’s level of experience in evaluating research proposals for a specific granting scheme, that is, scheme reviewing experience. We test our hypotheses by studying two of the most important research funding programmes i…
Exploring the impact of COST Actions on scientific collaboration
The goal of this study was to explore the effects of participating in a Cost Action on the level of scientific collaboration. The results show on average a remarkable increase of co-publications between an Action’s active members, including interdisciplinary publications, and an increased involvement of scientists from peripheral countries (i.e., inclusive target countries), early career researchers, and women. The impact of active participation in an Action is not limited to the period of the project, but it persists also after its conclusion. The increase in collaborative publications does not come at the expense of non-collaborative publications, which points out to a net positive …
How satisfied are international students? The role of town, gown and motivations
A growing literature addresses the experiences of international students in higher education. However, limited attention has been paid to how satisfied international students are with their educati...