A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis
ABSTRACTCells inherit two centrioles, the older of which is uniquely capable of generating a cilium. Using proteomics and super-resolved imaging, we identified a module which we term DISCO (DIStal centriole COmplex). DISCO components CEP90, MNR and OFD1 underlie human ciliopathies. This complex localized to both distal centrioles and centriolar satellites, proteinaceous granules surrounding centrioles. Cells and mice lacking CEP90 or MNR did not generate cilia, failed to assemble distal appendages, and did not transduce Hedgehog signals. Disrupting the satellite pools did not affect distal appendage assembly, indicating that it is the centriolar populations of MNR and CEP90 that are critica…