Muscle Histopathological Abnormalities in a Patient With a CCT5 Mutation Predicted to Affect the Apical Domain of the Chaperonin Subunit.
Recognition of diseases associated with mutations of the chaperone system genes, e.g., chaperonopathies, is on the rise. Hereditary and clinical aspects are established, but the impact of the mutation on the chaperone molecule and the mechanisms underpinning the tissue abnormalities are not. Here, histological features of skeletal muscle from a patient with a severe, early onset, distal motor neuropathy, carrying a mutation on the CCT5 subunit (MUT) were examined in comparison with normal muscle (CTR). The MUT muscle was considerably modified; atrophy of fibers and disruption of the tissue architecture were prominent, with many fibers in apoptosis. CCT5 was diversely present in the sarcolem…