Anita Līce

Projektu ar resursu ierobežojumiem laika parametru noteikšana un analīze

Darbs veltīts projektu kalendārās plānošanas matemātiskajai modelēšanai. Uzmanība tiek pievērsta projekta ar resursu ierobežojumiem kalendārā plāna analīzei un laika parametru noteikšanai. Iegūts projekta kalendārā plāna sastādīšanas algoritms.

research product

Managing Facilitation of Employability of Vocational Education Graduates in Latvia

Kaut arī profesionālās izglītības (PI) mērķis ir nodrošināt zināšanas, prasmes un kompetences darba tirgum, dati norāda uz zemu PI absolventu nodarbināmību, īpaši vēlākajos karjeras gados. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt un atrast Latvijai atbilstošas iespējas vadīt PI absolventu nodarbināmības uzlabošanos. Pētījumā piedalījās 750 darba devēji, vērtējot individuālo nodarbināmības iezīmju svarīgumu Latvijas darba tirgū, kā arī PI iestāžu sniegumu. 12 PI iestāžu vadītāji tika intervēti, lai noskaidrotu, kuros PI vadības aspektos nepieciešami uzlabojumi. Pētījuma rezultāti parāda prioritāros nepieciešamos uzlabojumus PI programmās un PI vadības procesos. Šis pētījums sniedz ieguldījumu gan teorijas…

research product

Role of Social Partners for Work-Based Learning: Results of Surveys

Abstract Introduction of work-based learning (WBL) in Latvia has required new approaches in decision making of different stakeholders. Experience from countries with long-standing WBL tradition has shown the numerous advantages but also the challenges this approach presents. One of these challenges is the need for new forms and mechanisms of cooperation among the key stakeholders – policy makers, public administrators, employers, educators and social partners. The current paper analyses the results of scientific research in this field, as well as uses the empirical results of two surveys performed by the authors: a survey of public sector experts and a survey of employers in Latvia. In orde…

research product

Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Vocational Education as a Method to Achieve Employability of Graduates

Emotional intelligence can play an important role in an individual’s education and career success. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the opinion of employers on the importance of competencies related to emotional intelligence in the recruitment process in Latvia, as well as the extent to which these competencies can be developed in vocational education and training. Total of 750 companies participated in this research, rating the importance of competencies and the performance of vocational education institutions using a four-point Likert scale. The list of methods currently applied in vocational education developing emotional intelligence competencies was developed through in-depth i…

research product

Which skills, competencies and attitudes are employers looking for in recruitment process in Latvia?

Purpose – the purpose of the study is to evaluate the opinion of employers on the importance of employability competencies in recruitment in Latvia, considering increasingly global and changing labour market. Research methodology – total of 750 companies participated in this research. A list of 17 skills, competencies and attitudes, important for individual employability in changing labour markets, was rated using a four-point Likert scale. Findings – the research results show that employers value attitudes, emotional and self-management competencies the most when hiring potential employees, which are followed by social competencies. Although academic skills were assessed as the least impor…

research product


The focus of this research is to evaluate the importance of developing different employability competencies in vocational education. The Importance – Performance Analysis (IPA) was used to measure the priority areas in developing employability of graduates in vocational education institutions in Latvia from the employers’ perspective. Total 700 companies participated in this research. A list of 17 employability competencies was rated using a five-point Likert scale. Employers rated the relative importance of employability competencies in the labour market, followed by another rating of performance of vocational education institutions in developing these competencies. The purpose of the rese…

research product

Learning by Working

Work placements can provide good opportunities for students to obtain meaningful learning and work experience. In Latvia, the quality of work placements varies and can lead to both excellent and dubious experience. The chapter aims at investigating how work placements can contribute to student development and how to organize work placements of high quality by exploring examples of good practice of organizing work placements in the companies in Latvia. The results indicate that the most important factor to ensure quality work placements is the interest and motivation of the companies which stems from their need for qualified workers, strategic goals, and sustainable working practices. Qualit…

research product