G. Mannino
The HCV Sicily Network: A web-based model for the management of HCV chronic liver diseases
Epidemiological studies report that in Sicily reside about 30,000 citizens with a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis due to HCV. The availability of direct antiviral action (DAA) is a real therapeutic breakthrough, but the high cost of the therapeutic regimes limits their use and forced the National Health System to establish clinical priority for the treatment.The HCV Sicily Network is a web-based model of best medical practice, which was designed to improve the management and the treatment of HCV chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The network includes 41 centers and 84 gastroenterologists or infectivologists connected by a web platform that recorder the diagnosis and the clinic priority for the…
Atteggiamenti e comportamenti politici ed ideologia tradizionale familiare in Sicilia: un contributo empirico
Pathological gambling in adolescence: A narrative review
Pathological gambling is an emerging and increasing phenomenon in Western counties. This work is aimed at reviewing the existing literature on this topic, paying special attention to its development, course and outcome in adolescence. We will explore epidemiological data, the instruments for the diagnostic and clinical assessment, the course and the outcome of the disorder, the comorbidity with other psychiatric syndromes and disorders. The main risk factors will be described at individual, social and community level. We provide an overview of the available pharmacological and psychological treatments and we report a clinical vignette in order to describe the psychological and psychopatholo…
Dimensione familiare e dimensione politica: La psicodinamica familiare ed il mondo sociale
Group climate, cohesion, and curative climate: A study on the common factors in the group process and their relation with members' attachment dimensions
This study examined the relationships among the group process measured by the Group Climate Questionnaire, the Cohesion to the Therapist Scale and Cohesion to the Group Scale, and the Curative Climate Instrument to explore higher order factors that explained the group relationship in a sample of 91 female university students attending six interpersonal growth groups. Furthermore, the study examined how group members' attachment dimensions, anxiety, and avoidance were associated to their perceptions of the group relationship. We found that a three-factor model consisting of positive bond, positive work, and negative relationship approached conventional standards of a model fit. Moreover, the…