Alessandro Gentile

Analysis of the energetic flows through the sebal application to the assessment of the actual evapotranspiration in a Napa Valley vineyard California (USA).

The use of water resources is constantly growing in agriculture industry and the reduction of the this resource is due by both anthropogenic and climate factors. Under this perspective it is necessary to develop monitoring systems able to forecast the consumption of water. The knowledge of the actual water demand of a crop is therefore strategic for the rational use of resources and to improve the quality of the crop production. Recent applications of remote sensing in agriculture provide a valuable contribution to release this purpose, besides the integration of remotely sensed data with measures retrieved by meteorological stations allows the development of models able to estimate the act…

research product

Comparison between energy balance and mass balance models for actual evapotranspiration assessment

The assessment of the water needs for a specific crop has a fundamental importance in the management of water resources. The application of empirical models able to retrieve estimates of the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) to assess the need for water could give a valid tool for the planning of water supply, avoiding unnecessary water losses. In this context, two independent models for estimating actual evapotranspiration were compared. The first model is based on an energy balance and uses remotely sensed data and ancillary data from weather stations to assess the ETa. The second model also uses remotely sensed data and climatic data on a daily basis from a weather network. Field measureme…

research product