K. Mahn
Snowmass Neutrino Frontier: Neutrino Interaction Cross Sections (NF06) Topical Group Report
A thorough understanding of neutrino cross sections in a wide range of energies is crucial for the successful execution of the entire neutrino physics program. In order to extract neutrino properties, long-baseline experiments need an accurate determination of neutrino cross sections within their detector(s). Since very few of the needed neutrino cross sections across the energy spectrum are directly measured, we emphasize the need for theoretical input and indirect measurements such as electron scattering, which would complement direct measurements. In this report we briefly summarize the current status of our knowledge of the neutrino cross sections and articulate needs of the experiments…
Simultaneous measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current cross section on oxygen and carbon without pions in the final state at T2K
Authors: K. Abe,56 N. Akhlaq,45 R. Akutsu,57 A. Ali,32 C. Alt,11 C. Andreopoulos,54,34 L. Anthony,21 M. Antonova,19 S. Aoki,31 A. Ariga,2 T. Arihara,59 Y. Asada,69 Y. Ashida,32 E. T. Atkin,21 Y. Awataguchi,59 S. Ban,32 M. Barbi,46 G. J. Barker,66 G. Barr,42 D. Barrow,42 M. Batkiewicz-Kwasniak,15 A. Beloshapkin,26 F. Bench,34 V. Berardi,22 L. Berns,58 S. Bhadra,70 S. Bienstock,53 S. Bolognesi,6 T. Bonus,68 B. Bourguille,18 S. B. Boyd,66 A. Bravar,13 D. Bravo Berguño,1 C. Bronner,56 S. Bron,13 A. Bubak,51 M. Buizza Avanzini ,10 T. Campbell,7 S. Cao,16 S. L. Cartwright,50 M. G. Catanesi,22 A. Cervera,19 D. Cherdack,17 N. Chikuma,55 G. Christodoulou,12 M. Cicerchia,24,† J. Coleman,34 G. Collazu…
Testing CCQE and 2p2h models in the NEUT neutrino interaction generator with published datasets from the MiniBooNE and MINERvA experiments
The MiniBooNE large axial mass anomaly has prompted a great deal of theoretical work on sophisticated Charged Current Quasi-Elastic (CCQE) neutrino interaction models in recent years. As the dominant interaction mode at T2K energies, and the signal process in oscillation analyses, it is important for the T2K experiment to include realistic CCQE cross section uncertainties in T2K analyses. To this end, T2K's Neutrino Interaction Working Group has implemented a number of recent models in NEUT, T2K's primary neutrino interaction event generator. In this paper, we give an overview of the models implemented, and present fits to published muon neutrino and muon antineutrino CCQE cross section mea…
Light sterile neutrino sensitivity at the nuSTORM facility
A facility that can deliver beams of electron and muon neutrinos from the decay of a stored muon beam has the potential to unambiguously resolve the issue of the evidence for light sterile neutrinos that arises in short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments and from estimates of the effective number of neutrino flavors from fits to cosmological data. In this paper, we show that the nuSTORM facility, with stored muons of 3.8 GeV/c $\pm$ 10%, will be able to carry out a conclusive muon neutrino appearance search for sterile neutrinos and test the LSND and MiniBooNE experimental signals with 10$\sigma$ sensitivity, even assuming conservative estimates for the systematic uncertainties. This…