A. Gloskovskii

Monitoring surface resonances on Co2MnSi(100) by spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

The magnitude of the spin polarization at the Fermi level of ferromagnetic materials at room temperature is a key property for spintronics. Investigating the Heusler compound Co$_2$MnSi a value of 93$\%$ for the spin polarization has been observed at room temperature, where the high spin polarization is related to a stable surface resonance in the majority band extending deep into the bulk. In particular, we identified in our spectroscopical analysis that this surface resonance is embedded in the bulk continuum with a strong coupling to the majority bulk states. The resonance behaves very bulk-like, as it extends over the first six atomic layers of the corresponding (001)-surface. Our study…

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Nanosession: Advanced Spectroscopy and Scattering

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Nanosession: Spin Tunneling Systems

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Orbital character variation of the Fermi surface and doping dependent changes of the dimensionality in BaFe2−xCoxAs2 from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

From a combination of high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional calculations, we show that BaFe2As2 possesses essentially two-dimensional electronic states, with a strong change of orbital character of two of the Gamma-centered Fermi surfaces as a function of kz. Upon Co doping, the electronic states in the vicinity of the Fermi level take on increasingly three-dimensional character. Both the orbital variation with kz and the more three-dimensional nature of the doped compounds have important consequences for the nesting conditions and thus possibly also for the appearance of antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases.

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Exchange coupling in the correlated electronic states of amorphous GdFe films

The bulk sensitivity of hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with circularly polarized radiation of the P09 beamline at PETRA III enables the investigation of the magnetic properties of capped films. We have determined the temperature dependence of the magnetic circular dichroism in the Fe 2$p$ and in the Gd 3$d$ states in amorphous GdFe films. The magnetic dichroism reflects the stronger temperature dependence of Gd moments compared to Fe moments in agreement with mean-field models. We resolved the exchange split Gd 3${d}_{5/2}$ substates and found a significant temperature dependence of the splitting which is attributed to a temperature dependent part of the exchange energ…

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High-resolution hard-x-ray photoelectron diffraction in a momentum microscope—the model case of graphite

New journal of physics 21(11), 113031 - (2019). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ab51fe

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