Nadia Chammem
Characterization of Lactobacillus isolates from fermented olives and their bacteriocin gene profiles
Near one hundred isolates of Lactobacillus paraplantarum, Lactobacillus pentosus and Lactobacillus plantarum from table olives were studied. Strains were genotyped by rep-PCR. Although the technique failed to differentiate some isolates at the species level, it proved a robust and easy procedure that could be useful for distinguishing between related strains of L. paraplantarum, L. pentosus and L. plantarum from a large pool of unrelated strains of these species. A PCR-based screening revealed the presence of the plantaricin encoding genes plnA, plnB, plnC, plnD, plnE/F, plnF, plnI, plnJ, plnK, plnG and plnN in most isolates of the three species. Sequences of bacteriocin genes present in L.…
Phenols, Flavors, and the Mediterranean Diet.
Abstract Phenols or phenolics are a class of compounds that have one or more hydroxyl groups attached to a 6-carbon aromatic ring, they occur as plant secondary metabolites, having in common the antioxidant activity. Their average daily intake varies widely around the world. Many researchers consider coffee, tea, wine, cocoa products, fruits and vegetables as the main sources of polyphenols in different diets. However, spices and culinary herbs have been referred to as the foods richest in polyphenols. Despite spices and culinary herbs are used in small amounts as seasonings, their contribution to the dietary supply of phytonutrients should not be disregarded. A diet rich in a variety of po…