Priscila Fabra

Measurement invariance of the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countries

The purpose of this study was (1) to examine the factorial validity of the Behavioural Regulation Sport in Questionnaire (BRSQ) when completed by young soccer players in the Promoting Adolescent Physical Activity (PAPA) project (9-15 years old) in 5 European countries (France: n = 1248, Greece: n = 1507, Norway: n = 1397, Spain: n = 2245, and England: n = 1372) and (2) test the measurement invariance of its latent factors across these 5 countries.First, we tested the exploratory structural equation model (ESEM) factor analyses, allowing cross-loadings between factors, against the traditional independent clusters confirmatory factor analysis model (ICM-CFA), with all cross-loadings constrain…

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Estilo interpersonal controlador del entrenador, frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y burnout en futbolistas infantiles

En el presente trabajo, basado en la Teoría de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNT; Deci y Ryan, 2000), se puso a prueba un modelo con la siguiente secuencia: Estilo interpersonal controlador del entrenador þ Frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas þ Burnout. Participaron 725 futbolistas varones de la categoría infantil con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 13 años (M = 12.6; DT = .54) que completaron los instrumentos que evaluaban las variables de interés. Los resultados del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales informaron que la percepción del estilo controlador del entrenador actuaba de predictor positivo de la frustración de las tres necesidades y que cada una de …

research product

Coaches as promoters of team cohesion

The objective of this study was threefold: 1) To determine the links between the perceived coach-created motivational climate and cohesion, 2) To test a model with the following sequence: Dimensions of the perceived coach-created motivational climate → self-determined motivation → Dimensions of cohesion, and 3) To examine the meditational role of self-determined motivation in the relationship between perceived coach-created motivational climate and cohesion. Eight hundred and night young footballers (789 boys and 11 girls; M age = 11.49 ± 1.16) completed a package of questionnaires assessing the variables of interest at the beginning of the season. Bivariate correlations reveale…

research product

Coaches' interpersonal style, basic psychological needs and the well- and ill-being of young soccer players: a longitudinal analysis.

This study entailed a longitudinal test of basic psychological needs theory, a sub-theory in the self-determination framework (DeciRyan, 2000), in young soccer players. We examined whether changes in soccer players' perceptions of the coaches' interpersonal style (autonomy supportive and controlling) predicted changes in the players' need satisfaction/need thwarting, and in turn, variability in their reported subjective vitality and burnout over the course of a season. Young male soccer players (M = 12.58 ± 0.54 years) completed a questionnaire at two time points in the season [n(T1) = 725; n(T2) = 597]. Changes in the players' perceptions of an autonomy supportive environment significantly…

research product

Coaches as promoters of team cohesion

El objetivo del presente trabajo fue triple: 1) Estudiar las relaciones entre el clima motivacional percibido creado por el entrenador y la cohesión, 2) Poner a prueba un modelo con la siguiente secuencia: dimensiones del clima motivacional percibido  motivación autodeterminada  dimensiones de la cohesión, y 3) Estudiar el papel mediador de la motivación autodeterminada entre el clima motivacional percibido y la cohesión. Ochocientos nueve jóvenes jugadores de fútbol (798 chicos y 11 chicas; M = 11.49, DT = 1.16) completaron un paquete de cuestionarios en los que se evaluaban las variables de interés al principio de la temporada. Las correlaciones bivariadas informaron de relaciones posit…

research product

La eficacia de rol como mediadora entre el clima motivacional y el rendimiento en jóvenes futbolistas

ResumenEn el marco de la Teoria de las Metas de Logro y de la Teoria de la Autoeficacia de Bandura, se puso a prueba un modelo hipotetizando relaciones entre el clima motivacional percibido, la eficacia de rol y el desempeno del rol como un indicador del rendimiento, en situaciones de ataque y de defensa en futbol. Asimismo, se exploro el papel mediador de la eficacia de rol entre el clima motivacional y el rendimiento. Un total de 295 futbolistas varones de entre 12 y 16 anos completaron los cuestionarios que evaluaban las variables de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que, tanto en ataque como en defensa, la eficacia de rol actuo como mediadora entre el clima de implicacion en la tarea y …

research product

Changes in Drop Out Intentions: Implications of the Motivational Climate, Goal Orientations and Aspects of Self-Worth across a Youth Sport Season

The main objective of this work was to study the motivational antecedents of the intention to drop out of youth sport from the postulates of the achievement goal theory (AGT), placing special emphasis on the motivational climate that coaches create in their teams. Specifically, we analyzed whether changes in the perception of the motivational climate between the beginning and the end of the season predicted changes in players’ goal orientations, whether these, in turn, predicted changes in self-esteem and contingent self-esteem, and finally, whether the latter predicted the intention to drop out. Participants in the study were 552 players (Mage = 11.23, SD = 1.14), who completed the questio…

research product

The relationship between observed and perceived assessments of the coach-created motivational environment and links to athlete motivation

Abstract Objectives The majority of research examining the relationship between the coach-created motivational and athlete motivation has relied on self-report measures. Grounded in Duda’s (2013) theoretically integrated model, the present study examined: (1) athletes', coaches' and observers' reports of the multidimensional motivational coaching environment in four European countries, (2) the interrelationships of these different perspectives of the motivational environment, and (3) links between the multidimensional environment and athletes' autonomous, controlled and amotivation. Design We employed a cross-sectional study design and utilized mixed methods to tap the variables of interest…

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