Vincent Faloya
Iterative design and evaluation of rule-based cropping systems: methodology and case studies
; absent
Mechanisms involved in spatial and temporal mobility of disease patches caused by Rhizoctonia solani in sugar beet field : Induction of antagonists within disease patch
National audience; Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 causes damping-off and root rot on sugar beet in patches that are highly mobile both on spatial and temporal scales. They never occur in the same place where they were in the previous season. The aim of the present study was to uncover the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of disease patches. It was observed that soil inoculum potential was higher within diseased patch than in healthy area. However, the dormant pathogen in healthy area was stimulated by addition of buckwheat meal more than that in diseased patch. In addition soil from diseased area was more suppressive towards the disease. We did not observe significant differences in bacterial …
Huit fermes de grande culture engagées en production intégrée réduisent les pesticides sans baisse de marge
International audience; Le Grenelle de l’Environnement a affiché l’objectif d’une réduction de 50 %, d’ici 2018, de l’usage de pesticides par l’agriculture. Pour que cette réduction soit possible, il ne suffira plus d’ajuster, comme le propose l’agriculture raisonnée, les intrants à la diversité des situations agronomiques à l’aide d’observation des cultures et d’outils d’aide à la décision : il faut entreprendre une reconception des systèmes de culture, en mobilisant en amont différents moyens de réduction des populations de bio-agresseurs, pour réduire le besoin de traiter (Meynard et Girardin, 1991). La question est de savoir si cela sera réalisable en pratique et compatible avec la rentab…
The dynamics of soil bacterial community structure in response to yearly repeated agricultural copper treatments
International audience; The annual dynamics of soil bacterial community structure, including early, dose-dependent and transient modifications, was observed consecutively at different levels of copper contamination (high: 48 kg Cu ha−1, low: 16 kg Cu ha−1) repeated yearly over a three-year field experiment. Repeated low-level Cu contamination led to an increase in community stability to metal stress without a long-term shift in the population structure, whereas repeated high-level Cu contamination induced a novel and stable bacterial community structure. Furthermore, field experimentation highlighted that episodic climatic stress can modulate copper impact by enhancing community stability.
Cause and duration of mustard incorporation effects on soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi
International audience; Two fungal plant pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini, were studied in relation to general responses of soil fungi and bacteria following incorporation of Brassica juncea. Our aim was to understand to what extent the changes in the biological and physicochemical characteristics of the soil could explain the effects on the studied pathogens and diseases, and to determine the temporal nature of the responses. Short-term effects of mustard incorporation (up to 4 months) were investigated in a microcosm experiment, and compared with a treatment where composted plant material was incorporated. In a field experiment, the responses were fol…
Time dependent response of Rhizoctonia solani to mustard incorporation
SPE;EA communication orale, résumé; International audience
Conception et évaluation expérimentale de stratégies de lutte intégrée contre les mauvaises herbes, associant lutte préventive, lutte curative chimique raisonnée et non chimique, et innovations techniques
* INRA UR Innovations socio-techniques et organisationnelles en agriculture LISTO-D ENESAD 26 boulevard Dr Petitjean BP 87999 21079 DIJON CEDEX Diffusion du document : INRA UR Innovations socio-techniques et organisationnelles en agriculture LISTO-D ENESAD 26 boulevard Dr Petitjean BP 87999 21079 DIJON CEDEX; National audience; Ces recherches ont été menées dans le cadre de l'action "Protection Intégrée des Cultures". Le projet, comporte 2 niveaux d'objectifs : - contribuer à améliorer la compréhension des effets des systèmes de culture sur la flore adventice, en quantifiant les effets de techniques culturales (effets "partiels"), en fonction des états du milieu, et en analysant les interac…
Can Rhizoctonia solani disease be naturally controlled in a sugar beet field ?
International audience