Olivier Bethenod
Contribution de l'agriculture à l'effet de serre. Importance de l'azote et interactions avec l'ozone
Agriculture contributes to almost 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, and the same applies for most EU countries. This is due to a large extent to N2O emission after N fertilizer application, but the emissions are very variable in space and time, due mainly to the variability in environmental conditions. However, the figure of the relationship between agriculture and greenhouse effect is more complex. First a significant fraction of emitted N2O does not occur where N has been applied, but is due to indirect emissions in wetlands or forest where N is transferred by natural pathways. This implies the need to make an assessment at larger scale than the field where N is applied. Many oth…
Comparison of empirical leaf photosynthesis and stomatal conductance models
National audience
Hypothèses et principes de la représentation de la diffusion du CO2 à différentes échelles, de la feuille au couvert
National audience