Francisco Javier Gracia Lerin
Validation of the group nuclear safety climate questionnaire.
Abstract Introduction Group safety climate is a leading indicator of safety performance in high reliability organizations. Zohar and Luria (2005) developed a Group Safety Climate scale (ZGSC) and found it to have a single factor. Method The ZGSC scale was used as a basis in this study with the researchers rewording almost half of the items on this scale, changing the referents from the leader to the group, and trying to validate a two-factor scale. The sample was composed of 566 employees in 50 groups from a Spanish nuclear power plant. Item analysis, reliability, correlations, aggregation indexes and CFA were performed. Results Results revealed that the construct was shared by each unit, a…
Employability and Personal Initiative as Antecedents of Job Satisfaction
In a changing and flexible labour market it is important to clarify the role of environmental and personal variables that contribute to obtaining adequate levels of job satisfaction. The aim of the present study is to analyze the direct effects of employability and personal initiative on intrinsic, extrinsic and social job satisfaction, clarifying their cumulative and interactive effects. The study has been carried out in a sample of 1319 young Spanish workers. Hypotheses were tested by means of the moderated hierarchical regression analysis. Results show that employability and personal initiative predict in a cumulative way the intrinsic, extrinsic and social job satisfaction. Moreover, th…
Desenvolupament i validació d'una metodologia per a l'avaluació de la cultura de seguretat per mitjà de l'observació de reunions de treball en una central nuclear.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és descriure el desenvolupament i la validació d'una metodologia per a avaluar la cultura de seguretat per mitjà de l'observació de reunions de treball. Es va partir de la definició de cultura de seguretat més estesa dins el sector (International Atomic Energy Agency, 1991), les cinc dimensions que presenta i els atributs corresponents. La validesa d'aquesta metodologia es posà a prova en una central nuclear mitjançant l'observació d'un total de 36 reunions de treball de naturalesa molt diversa. Els resultats indiquen que l'observació de les reunions és un mètode útil per a l'avaluació de la cultura de seguretat. Comparada amb els mètodes tradicionals per a fer a…