Isabelle Prestel
The Role of Wind Speed and Wind Shear for Banner Cloud Formation
Abstract Banner clouds are clouds that appear to be attached to the leeward face of a steep mountain. This paper investigates the role of wind speed and wind shear for the formation of banner clouds. Large-eddy simulations are performed to simulate the flow of dry air past an idealized pyramid-shaped mountain. The potential for cloud formation is diagnosed through the Lagrangian vertical parcel displacement, which in the case of a banner cloud shows a plume of large values in the lee of the mountain. In addition, vortical structures are visualized through streamlines and their curvature. A series of sensitivity experiments indicates that both the flow and the banner cloud occurrence are lar…
What Flow Conditions are Conducive to Banner Cloud Formation?
Abstract Banner clouds are clouds that are attached to the leeward slope of a steep mountain. Their formation is essentially due to strong Lagrangian uplift of air in the lee of the mountain. However, little is known about the flow regime in which banner clouds can be expected to occur. The present study addresses this question through numerical simulations of flow past idealized orography. Systematic sets of simulations are carried out exploring the parameter space spanned by two dimensionless numbers, which represent the aspect ratio of the mountain and the stratification of the flow. The simulations include both two-dimensional flow past two-dimensional orography and three-dimensional fl…