High-spin states in205Rn:A new shears band structure?
The high-spin structure of {sup 205}Rn has been investigated for the first time following the {sup 170}Er({sup 40}Ar,5n) and {sup 197}Au({sup 14}N,6n) reactions at beam energies of 183 MeV and 90{endash}110 MeV, respectively, using the Jurosphere and YRAST Ball arrays. Two new cascades have been identified which dominate the high-spin decay. One of these, consisting of ten stretched M1 transitions with unobserved E2 crossover transitions, is interpreted as a shears structure based on the {nu}i{sub 13/2}{sup {minus}1}{circle_times}{pi}i{sub 13/2}{sup 2} (or {nu}i{sub 13/2}{sup {minus}1}{circle_times}{pi}h{sub 9/2}i{sub 13/2}) configuration. {copyright} {ital 1999} {ital The American Physical…