Francesco Benvegna
A New Dissimilarity Measure for Clustering Seismic Signals
Hypocenter and focal mechanism of an earthquake can be determined by the analysis of signals, named waveforms, related to the wave field produced and recorded by a seismic network. Assuming that waveform similarity implies the similarity of focal parameters, the analysis of those signals characterized by very similar shapes can be used to give important details about the physical phenomena which have generated an earthquake. Recent works have shown the effectiveness of cross-correlation and/or cross-spectral dissimilarities to identify clusters of seismic events. In this work we propose a new dissimilarity measure between seismic signals whose reliability has been tested on real seismic dat…
Metrics, clustering and simulations to evaluate seismic signals
This thesis presents an overview on seismic signals analysis and its related activities to clustering. The real applications require the use of metrics, algorithms and data to test hypothesis or to infer them. Hypocenter and focal mechanism of an earthquake can be determined by the analysis of signals, named waveforms, related to the wave field produced by earthquakes and recorded by a seismic network. Assuming that waveform similarity implies the similarity of focal parameters, the analysis of those signals characterized by very similar shapes can be used to give important details about the physical phenomena which have generated an earthquake. Recent works have shown the effectiveness of …
Dissimilarity Measures for the Identification of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
This work presents a study about dissimilarity measures for seismic signals, and their relation to clustering in the particular problem of the identification of earthquake focal mechanisms, i.e. the physical phenomena which have generated an earthquake. Starting from the assumption that waveform similarity implies similarity in the focal parameters, important details about them can be determined by studying waveforms related to the wave field produced by earthquakes and recorded by a seismic network. Focal mechanisms identification is currently investigated by clustering of seismic events, using mainly cross-correlation dissimilarity in conjunction with hierarchical clustering algorithm. By…