Saleh Hasan
The Potential of Antiestrogens as Centrally-Acting Antihostility Agents: Recent Animal Data
Recent studies suggest that motivations for certain forms of masculine behavior including social aggression are mediated by central estrogen receptors. Two studies using antiestrogens in rodent species were performed. Intact male LH rats were given Tamoxifen or vehicle for 4 or 8 days. The three possible pairings were videotaped for 60 min. Intact male OF1 mice were given CI-680 or vehicle over 25 days. Similar pairings were carried out but some CI-680 or vehicle animals were paired with anosmic opponents. Encounters were videotaped for 10 min. In both experiments evidence was obtained that the antiestrogen markedly reduced time allocated to offense. Any variations in defense were a consequ…
Studies on the Effects of the Antiandrogen Cyproterone Acetate on Social Encounters Between Pairs of Male Mice
An attempt was made in two experiments to reinvestigate the effects of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (CA) on mouse social behavior in a variety of ethologically-assessed paired encounters. The data confirm that CA reduces offense (threat and attack) in animals when both subjects receive the material but that CA has no such action in other pairings. This suggests that CA's major suppressive effect on "hostility" is expressed in mice via a reduction in "attack-promoting" pheromone production. Indeed, there was evidence in the more chronic study that CA, could augment (via a central mechanism?) offense in subjects paired with docile anosmic opponents. Changes in defense were largely res…
Studies on effects of tamoxifen (ICI 46474) on agonistic encounters between pairs of intact mice.
The anti-estrogen tamoxifen (Tam), which has been shown to dramatically suppress offensive behavior in male rats without markedly influencing other aspects of the social encounter, was tested for its effectiveness in mice. TO strain albino mice were given control injections or 50 or 100 micrograms of Tam for 4 or 8 days. Subsequently, mice were tested in pairs (for a particular dose and treatment duration) in which both animals received Tam, one animal received Tam and one saline, or both animals received saline control injections. Ten-minute videotaped encounters were analyzed in terms of total times allocated to nonsocial investigation, social investigation, offense, defense, sexual activ…