Motta D.
Positioning of darunavir/cobicistat-containing antiretroviral regimens in real life: results from a large multicentre observational prospective cohort (SCOLTA).
Abstract Background Study aim was to evaluate the safety and durability of darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) in a real life setting. Methods Multicentre prospective cohort study performed in the context of SCOLTA (Surveillance Cohort Long-Term Toxicity Antiretrovirals). Patients were evaluated at baseline, week 24 and 48. Changes were evaluated using the paired t test or signed rank test. The multivariable analysis was performed using a general linear model, after ranking of not normally distributed variables. Results A total of 249 patients were included, 72 (29%) were in DRV/c-based dual therapies (DT). Hypercholesterolemia, HC, (total cholesterol (TC) ≥ 200 mg/dL or low density-C (LDL-C) ≥ 13…
Metabolic syndrome and body weight in people living with HIV infection: analysis of differences observed in three different cohort studies over a decade
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of being overweight and metabolic syndrome (MS) among people living with HIV (PHIV) in three different cross-sectional studies conducted over three different periods: 2005, 2011 and 2015. Methods: This was a multi-centre, nationwide study. Data were collected in three studies from the CISAI group - SIMOne, HIV-HY and STOPSHIV - and included a total of 3014 PHIV. Logistic regression [odds ratio (OR), 95% confidence interval (CI)] was used to account for age and gender difference among three groups when comparing MS prevalence and being overweight; potential confounders were accounted for by including them in the regression equatio…
Diplomazia e diritto durante la seconda guerra punica: su ius e mos nei discorsi di Livio
Nei discorsi riportati da Tito Livio riguardanti gli scambi diplomatici succedutisi nel corso della seconda guerra punica, il concetto di ius che regola le relazioni fra forze in gioco è ampiamente utilizzato come motivo argomentativo; l’obiettivo dello storico è quello di difendere i comandanti romani, nei casi in cui ne era messa in dubbio la correttezza da un’opinione pubblica avversa, e strumentalmente manipolata a livello interno dagli avversari politici. In particolare l'analisi è rivolta all’impiego di un lessico che rinvia alla sfera del ius e del mos, nelle sue diverse declinazioni, quale strumento di riflessione sull'imperialismo romano.