C. Lott
European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Executive summary
Abstract: Informed by a series of systematic reviews, scoping reviews and evidence updates from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, the 2021 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines present the most up to date evidence-based guidelines for the practice of resuscitation across Europe. The guidelines cover the epidemiology of cardiac arrest; the role that systems play in saving lives, adult basic life support, adult advanced life support, resuscitation in special circumstances, post resuscitation care, first aid, neonatal life support, paediatric life support, ethics and education.
Corrigendum to “European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Executive summary” [Resuscitation (2021) 1–60]
Subglottic stenosis imitating the carina – a case report of airway mimicry
Summary We present a case of awake tracheal intubation with flexible bronchoscopy which resulted in incorrect tracheal tube placement. The presence of a stenotic subglottic lesion with an appearance similar to the carina led to the tube being positioned with only the tip within the trachea whilst the cuff was located between the vocal cords. A capnography trace was identified before induction of anaesthesia; however, visual confirmation of the carina was undertaken in a rushed manner due to the patient becoming agitated. Once the incorrect tracheal tube placement was identified, the decision was made to wake the patient. Thereafter, a more experienced operator successfully performed awake t…
Interdisziplin�res Polytraumamanagement
Die fruhe klinische Behandlungsphase mehrfachverletzter Patienten ist durch das interdisziplinare Zusammenwirken von Unfallchirurgie, Anasthesie und Radiologie gekennzeichnet. Gemeinsames Ziel dabei ist, lebensbedrohliche Verletzungsmuster umgehend zu diagnostizieren, um adaquate therapeutische Masnahmen einleiten zu konnen. Um diese Anforderungen zu erfullen, bedarf die Radiologie ihrerseits eines standardisierten apparativen, personellen und logistischen Konzeptes zur Durchfuhrung der bildgebenden Diagnostik polytraumatisierter Patienten bei gleichbleibender Qualitat im 24-Stunden-Betrieb. Seit ihrer Einfuhrung entwickelt sich die Mehrschicht-Spiral-CT zum zentralen bildgebenden Verfahren…