Kasper J. Larsen
Differential equations for loop integrals in Baikov representation
We present a proof that differential equations for Feynman loop integrals can always be derived in Baikov representation without involving dimension-shift identities. We moreover show that in a large class of two- and three-loop diagrams it is possible to avoid squared propagators in the intermediate steps of setting up the differential equations.
Complete integration-by-parts reductions of the non-planar hexagon-box via module intersections
We present the powerful module-intersection integration-by-parts (IBP) method, suitable for multi-loop and multi-scale Feynman integral reduction. Utilizing modern computational algebraic geometry techniques, this new method successfully trims traditional IBP systems dramatically to much simpler integral-relation systems on unitarity cuts. We demonstrate the power of this method by explicitly carrying out the complete analytic reduction of two-loop five-point non-planar hexagon-box integrals, with degree-four numerators, to a basis of 73 master integrals.
Complete sets of logarithmic vector fields for integration-by-parts identities of Feynman integrals
Integration-by-parts identities between loop integrals arise from the vanishing integration of total derivatives in dimensional regularization. Generic choices of total derivatives in the Baikov or parametric representations lead to identities which involve dimension shifts. These dimension shifts can be avoided by imposing a certain constraint on the total derivatives. The solutions of this constraint turn out to be a specific type of syzygies which correspond to logarithmic vector fields along the Gram determinant formed of the independent external and loop momenta. We present an explicit generating set of solutions in Baikov representation, valid for any number of loops and external mome…