Roberto S. Rosales
Enfermedad de Perthes : valoración clínica y radiológica de diferentes tipos de tratamiento
After preliminary introduction regarding the treatment of Perthes' disease, a critica! study of 25 cases diagnosed between 1975 andJ985 was made at the hospitals of N. ª S.ª de La Candelaria and Clínico Universitario of Canarias. The diferent treatments were conservative, Salter's,.. Chiari's and femoral osteotomies. Clinical and radiological evaluation of the results were carried out after intervals of treatment ranging from 6 to 91 months, the average being 26,5 months. The followed Catterall's, Ducken's and Melenaus' criteria for clinical and radiological evaluation. The Cases which did not receive treatment obtained the worst results. In Perthes' type I the treatment of choice is conser…
Enfermedad de Perthes : factores epidemiológicos y etiopatogénicos
A critical study of 25 cases of Perthes' disease diagnosed between 1975 and 1985 was made at the hospitals of N. ª S.ª de la Candelaria and Clínico Universitario of Canarias. A control group of 22 children from the paediatric out-patient clinics was made. Epidemiological and etiopathogenic studies were carried out, being more frequent in boys, in rural areas and the lower classes. The incidence of associated abnormalities was a 20%, being the youngest children of the family. Amongst the previous history they found a high incidence of traumatic and transient synovitis and alterations in the growth and development. They did not find a family bistory of Pertbes' disease present in this study.