Benjamin Borgy
Importance de la variabilité fonctionnelle intraspécifique des adventices en réponse aux pratiques culturales et aux conditions climatiques
EAGESTADCT1; Importance de la variabilité fonctionnelle intraspécifique des adventices en réponse aux pratiques culturales et aux conditions climatiques. Ecologie des Communautés Végétales (ECOVEG 12)
Dynamique et assemblage des communautés adventices : Approche par modélisation statistique
To develop solutions for a productive and sustainable agriculture, principles, theories, andmethods of ecology may contribute to understand the biological processes governing the agroecosystem.The present case study was based on data collected by a network of observatories of weeds covering the whole of France (‘Biovigilance Flore’) and aimed at establishing forrules governing the assemblage and dynamics of weed communities in fields grown with annual crops. We particularly studied the possible relationships between species within acommunity, as well as the relationships between communities and their environment. Analyses were based on species abundances to take account of their effect on c…
The importance of long-term monitoring for inferring populations dynamics: the example of the Biovigilance French network on weeds
National audience