Luciano De Bonis
Urban Smartness: Perspectives Arising in the Periphéria Project
The paper discusses the concept of “urban smartness” starting from the early results of the Peripheria Project. Peripheria is a 30-month pilot B action funded by the European Commission under the CIP ICT PSP Programme and it aims at deploying convergent Future Internet platforms and services for the promotion of sustainable lifestyles in and across emergent networks of “smart” peripheral cities in Europe. Peripheria develops the Living Lab premise of shifting technology R&D out of the laboratory and into the real world in a systemic blend of technological with social innovation. It defines five archetypical “Arenas”—specific urban settings or innovation playgrounds, with defined social feat…
For a “Living (Lab)” Approach to Smart Cities
Thanks to the diffusion of information and communication technologies, and despite the huge margins of improvement of the operating conditions of the Web, sharing an idea can be today the starting point for the birth of either a start-up or a community of interests, able to achieve a variety of goals without the intervention of any public institution. In relation to such a ferment of successful micro-level initiatives, Territorial Living Labs are here interpreted as place-based ecosystems of co-creation of goods, services as well as new organizational and social models of smart urban life. From this interpretation, the necessity strongly emerges of a coherent and viable reference framework …
The urban regeneration of the peripheral areas. The case study of Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy)
The ‘Urban Regeneration of Peripheral Areas’ workshop experimented with an innovative design model for the urban regeneration of Rome. The working method of the workshop is based on diachronic analysis of the evolution of the combined natural history and culture of the area, the architectural, technological, environmental and landscape situation and relation-ship with the surrounding territory. The workshop dealt with the mutual relationships, which run through and characterise the dimensional and relational scales of the environments of metropolitan ecosystems as structures and landscapes. The strategy for urban and territorial integration is left to the procedures and policies of the comm…
The Territorial Dimension of Living Lab Approaches: Starting the European “Participant Observatory”
Territory production can be intended as any process of spatial transformation deriving from a sustainable and reciprocal dialogue between local communities and their spatial context along history time; the territory is a dynamic but durable balance between human settlements and their environments. Territory intended in this way - maybe the major competitive factor of regions and their economic actors too - depends less on merely technological advances, rather than socio-technical innovations able to generate better life quality in cities and regions. This is why in the CIP project “Periphèria”, started in November 2010, a European Observatory of LLs and Smart Cities will be set up, conceive…
Il paradigma bio-regionale per il progetto di ri-territorializzazione (re-embedding) dell’insediamento umano
Il testo propone una rilettura ed interpretazione del paradigma bio-regionale come riferimento per pratiche interpretative, di governance e progetto di territorio finalizzate alla “rilocalizzazione” dell’insediamento umano nel suo milieu socio-culturale ed ambientale di prossimità. Il riferimento primario è all’ampio e polifonico movimento culturale bio-regionale sviluppatosi in particolare negli Stati Uniti tra la fine degli anni sessanta e l’inizio degli anni settanta del XX secolo. È in questo quadro che si costituisce progressivamente il tema del “bioregionalismo urbano” o della “bioregione urbana” come nodo concettuale intorno al quale ri-articolare il recupero di una relazione co-evol…