M. Inmaculada Fernández-andrés
Parental Stress and ASD
The objectives of this study were (a) to evaluate parental stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD group) and compare it with the stress in parents of children with typical development (comparison group); (b) to study the relationship between parental stress, autism severity, and both verbal and performance IQ; and (c) to study the relationship between parental stress and resilience. Parental stress in the ASD group was clinically significant and higher than in the comparison group. The child’s autism severity was a significant predictor of parental stress related to the child’s distractibility and hyperactivity. The child’s verbal IQ was a significant predictor o…
Attitudes of elementary school teachers towards inclusive education in Ecuador
Resumen Las actitudes de los docentes hacia la inclusión son un factor relevante para permitir que las políticas educativas inclusivas puedan materializarse verdaderamente en prácticas inclusivas. Estas actitudes se ven influenciadas por diferentes variables, entre las que se encuentran la formación y experiencia en el ámbito de la inclusión y las condiciones y recursos disponibles para llevar a cabo prácticas educativas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las actitudes hacia la inclusión educativa en una muestra de 66 docentes de 15 centros educativos de la ciudad de Cuenca (Ecuador), mediante una escala tipo Likert de 23 ítems. Los resultados muestran que los docentes presentan …
Visual Attention, Orthographic Word Recognition, and Executive Functioning in Children With ADHD, Dyslexia, or ADHD + Dyslexia
Objective: The current study examined the differences in visual selective attention, orthographic word recognition, and executive functioning. Method: One hundred and forty Ecuadorian children in third and fifth grades of elementary school (8-10 years old) participated in the study—35 with only dyslexia (DD), 35 with the combined type of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD-C), 35 with disorders (DD + ADHD-C), and 35 typical development children (TD). Results: The Ecuadorian children with DD and/or ADHD-C in this age range usually have difficulties in visual selective attention, and also in orthographic word recognition. The executive functioning results showed that such func…