V. Then
Test of Special Relativity in a Heavy Ion Storage Ring
Test of special relativity in an ion storage ring
An accurate measurement of the Doppler effect in collinear laser spectroscopy has been performed at the TSR storage ring with electron cooled7Li+ ions atΒ=0.064. This experiment is a sensitive test of theγ=(1−Β2)−1/2 factor(Β=v/c) in the special theory of relativity. The Doppler shifted frequencies of the moving7Li+ ions are compared with calibrated molecular lines at rest. The frequencies at rest for the7Li+ ions are known from independent measurements. The Doppler shifted frequencies in the collinear experiment have been measured with a precision ofδv/v=6×10−9, mainly limited by the signal width of the resonance. A corresponding upper limit of 8×10−7 is deduced for any deviation of the ti…