L. S. Fog
In-medium modifications of the pi pi interaction in photon-induced reactions
Differential cross sections of the reactions $(\gamma,\pi^\circ\pi^\circ)$ and $(\gamma,\pi^\circ\pi^++\pi^\circ\pi^-)$ have been measured for several nuclei ($^1$H,$^{12}$C, and $^{\rm nat}$Pb) at an incident-photon energy of $E_{\gamma}$=400-460 MeV at the tagged-photon facility at MAMI-B using the TAPS spectrometer. A significant nuclear-mass dependence of the $\pi\pi$ invariant-mass distribution is found in the $\pi^\circ\pi^\circ$ channel. This dependence is not observed in the $\pi^\circ\pi^{+/-}$ channel and is consistent with an in-medium modification of the $\pi\pi$ interaction in the $I$=$J$=0 channel. The data are compared to $\pi$-induced measurements and to calculations within …
The Reactionγp→π0γ′pand the Magnetic Dipole Moment of theΔ+(1232)Resonance
The reaction $\ensuremath{\gamma}p\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}{\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{\ensuremath{'}}p$ has been measured with the TAPS calorimeter at the Mainz Microtron accelerator facility MAMI for energies between $\sqrt{s}=1221--1331\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{M}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{V}$. The cross section's differential in angle and energy have been determined for the photon ${\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ in three bins of the excitation energy. This reaction channel provides access to the magnetic dipole moment of the ${\ensuremath{\Delta}}^{+}(1232)$ resonance and, for the first time, a value of ${\ensuremath{\mu}}_{{\ensuremath{\Delta}}^{+}}=\mathbf{[}{2.7}_{\ensu…